Partita IVA 01245500382


  • Via Tortiola, 29
  • Vigarano Mainarda (FE)
  • CAP 44049, Italia

Telefono +39 0532 436119

Fax +39 0532 436119


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The Giovannini Agricultural Company, born in 2000, becoming a legal personality as Società Semplice S.S. (Simple Company).

This is a family company, which operates in the agricultural sector. The main context of reference, at the business level, is the Fruit segment.

As part of a globalized economy conditioned by its flexibility, dynamism and efficiency, the company has made a restructuring of the corporate organization chart to address the market using a sparkling approach.

The Giovannini brothers, Romano and Valentino, who have always been working in agriculture, give life to an important business project aimed at producing and marketing a high quality product:

The Giova Pear.
