Partita IVA 01245500382


  • Via Tortiola, 29
  • Vigarano Mainarda (FE)
  • CAP 44049, Italia

Telefono +39 0532 436119

Fax +39 0532 436119


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Boschetto Land Estate

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« Conference variety

« Decana del Comizio variety

Farming structure: three plants differentiated by type of rootstock quality of plants grown, but located in an adjacent; worked with land drainage and leveling the soil by equipment employing laser.

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Conference variety

Farming type: 330 cm x 80 cm - Conference, "C" graft.

Farming type: 400 cm x 150 cm – Conference, “Ba29” graft.

Farming type: 350 cm x 80 cm – Conference, “SIDO” graft.

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Qualità Decana del Comizio

Farming type: 350 cm x 100 cm – Decana del Comizio.

Farming type: 350 cm x 50 cm x 30cm – Decana del Comizio with “V” shape system.

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