The plane structure anti hail system
The Giovannini Company has equipped all its plants in orchards with hail the system "structure plan", currently the most widely used type of plant to protect crops from hail. Its creation is the most economic. The operation of closing and opening of the network requires less time and therefore lower labor costs.
This type of coverage is a structure composed of a piling driven into the soil for at least 90 cm: the system is mainly made of prestressed concrete piles at a distance of about 8 meters and a height above ground of about 4 m. The poles are connected longitudinally and transversely with galvanized steel wire ropes fixed to anchorages well distributed around the entire perimeter of the structure.
The particularity of this type of system is that hail does not support the network cables cross, but only on the thread ridge that crosses the length of each row and for which the network is fully determined.
The positioning of the sheets slightly inclined, means that the hail is harvested at the middle of the road between the rows and eliminated through the gap between the plates stopped; while that hangs near the plate percolerà at the end of the disturbance.
In case of exceptional hail, it might be possible an overweight load of the entire structure, which is why there was the need to build new clip for closing the curtains, allowing a better discharge capacity of the hail.
This type of system will not exceed a maximum height of 4 meters above ground, can adapt to any type of farming and allows a 'maximum plant height of 3.8 m or so. In the design phase is worth considering, if possible, that the width between the rows (L) must be greater than or equal to the space between the ground and the lowest point of the network (H), as if that were not application does not ensure the protection of the lower part of plants.
The structure will consist of perimeter poles, concrete or wood, 10/12 cm section between each of them anchored to the ground, and piles interfilari (concrete or wood) of section approximately 7 / 8 cm, a distance of some 8 m on the row. Anchorages must be installed in the soil perimeter at a distance not less than 2 meters from the perimeter poles.